Cyber News

/Cyber News

‘Kids Glove’: Kerala police takes on cyber crime and drug abuse among children

Institute For Ethical Hacking Course and Ethical Hacking Training in Pune – India

Extreme Hacking | Sadik Shaikh | Cyber Suraksha Abhiyan

Credits: thenewsminute

The Malappuram district police in collaboration with Kerala police cyber dome on Saturday launched a state-wide initiative, Kids Glove, to create awareness among teachers, parents and children about cyber crimes and drug abuse.

The programme was launched on Saturday in Malappuram by Uma Behera IPS, Vigilance […]

By |February 25th, 2018|Cyber News|

Intel did not tell U.S. cyber officials about chip flaws until made public

Institute For Ethical Hacking Course and Ethical Hacking Training in Pune – India

Extreme Hacking | Sadik Shaikh | Cyber Suraksha Abhiyan

Credits: reuters

Intel Corp did not inform U.S. cyber security officials of the so-called Meltdown and Spectre chip security flaws until they leaked to the public, six months after Alphabet Inc notified the chipmaker of the problems, according to letters sent by tech […]

By |February 23rd, 2018|Cyber News|

Cryptojackers are hacking websites to mine cryptocurrencies

Institute For Ethical Hacking Course and Ethical Hacking Training in Pune – India

Extreme Hacking | Sadik Shaikh | Cyber Suraksha Abhiyan

Credits: hartfordbusiness

Hackers have a new trick up their sleeves: hijacking computers to generate digital coins.

As bitcoin and other cryptocurrency prices soar, “cryptojacking” attackers surreptitiously take over web browsers, phones and servers to make some serious profit.

“Every avenue out there is being exploited […]

By |February 23rd, 2018|Cyber News|

North Korean hacking group ‘Reaper’ grows into global threat: FireEye

Institute For Ethical Hacking Course and Ethical Hacking Training in Pune – India

Extreme Hacking | Sadik Shaikh | Cyber Suraksha Abhiyan

Credits: IndianExpress

North Korean cyber-spy group ‘Reaper’ is emerging as a global threat, conducting espionage well beyond the Korean peninsula in support of Pyongyang’s military and economic interests, FireEye Inc said.

The group, known also as APT37, in 2017 began attacking targets in […]

By |February 23rd, 2018|Cyber News|

uTorrent Exploit Can Leave PCs Vulnerable To Hacking Exploits

Institute For Ethical Hacking Course and Ethical Hacking Training in Pune – India

Extreme Hacking | Sadik Shaikh | Cyber Suraksha Abhiyan

Credits: ABC News

An exploit in the P2P program BitTorrent, uTorrent and uTorrent Web could effectively allow hackers to remotely hijack a user’s PC via DNS rebinding. Allowing them to install remote code and execute malware.

Google researcher Tavis Ormandy revealed the vulnerability over […]

By |February 23rd, 2018|Cyber News|

Five short films focusing on cyber crime released

Institute For Ethical Hacking Course and Ethical Hacking Training in Pune – India

Extreme Hacking | Sadik Shaikh | Cyber Suraksha Abhiyan

Credits: Thehindu

To create awareness about rising incidents of cyber crime among general public, the Cyber Crime Police Station, Hyderabad, with the help of Tollywood actors, has produced a series of five short-films.

The short-films will be screened in cinema halls across the […]

By |February 20th, 2018|Cyber News|

Maharashtra to form its own emergency cyber response team in six months

Institute For Ethical Hacking Course and Ethical Hacking Training in Pune – India

Extreme Hacking | Sadik Shaikh | Cyber Suraksha Abhiyan

Credits: Hindustantimes

The next time someone’s bank account is hacked or data stolen from Aadhaar card, help may be more close at hand.

The state government is planning to set up its own Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) in the next six months […]

By |February 20th, 2018|Cyber News|


Institute For Ethical Hacking Course and Ethical Hacking Training in Pune – India

Extreme Hacking | Sadik Shaikh | Cyber Suraksha Abhiyan

Credits: ewn

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called on Monday for global rules to minimize the impact of electronic warfare on civilians as massive cyber attacks look likely to become the first salvoes in future wars.

Computer hackers, many of them believed to be state-sponsored groups, […]

By |February 20th, 2018|Cyber News|

US preparing ‘bloody nose’ cyber attacks on North Korea

Institute For Ethical Hacking Course and Ethical Hacking Training in Pune – India

Extreme Hacking | Sadik Shaikh | Cyber Suraksha Abhiyan

Credits: telegraph

The United States is drawing up plans for cyber attacks on North Korea in an effort to bring the regime of Kim Jong-Un to heel, according to intelligence sources, as Pyongyang says it is ready for “both dialogue and war” as the […]

By |February 20th, 2018|Cyber News|

Skype can’t fix a nasty security bug without a massive code rewrite

Institute For Ethical Hacking Course and Ethical Hacking Training in Pune – India

Extreme Hacking | Sadik Shaikh | Cyber Suraksha Abhiyan

Credits: zdnet

A security flaw in Skype’s updater process can allow an attacker to gain system-level privileges to a vulnerable computer.

The bug, if exploited, can escalate a local unprivileged user to the full “system” level rights — granting them access to every corner of […]

By |February 17th, 2018|Cyber News|