Advanced Ethical Hacking Institute in Pune

SNMP Auxiliary Module for Metasploit

Continuing with our information gathering, lets take a look at SNMP Sweeping. SNMP sweeps are often a good indicator in finding a ton of information about a specific system or actually compromising the remote device. If you can find a Cisco device running a private string for example, you can actually download the entire device configuration, modify it, and upload your own malicious config. Often the passwords themselves are level 7 encoded which means they are trivial to decode and obtain the ‘enable‘ or login password for the specific device.

Metasploit comes with a built in auxiliary module specifically for sweeping SNMP devices. There are a couple of things to understand before we perform our SNMP Scan. First, ‘read only‘ and ‘read write‘ community strings play an important role on what type of information can be extracted or modified on the devices themselves. If you can “guess” the read-only or read-write strings you can obtain quite a bit of access you would not normally have. In addition, if Windows based devices are configured with SNMP, often times with the RO/RW community strings, you can extract patch levels, services running, last reboot times, usernames on the system, routes, and various other amounts of information that is valuable to an attacker.

What is a MIB?

When querying through SNMP, there is whats called an MIB API. The MIB stands for the Management Information Base(MIB). his interface allows you to query the device and extract information. Metasploit comes loaded with a list of default MIBs that it has in its database, it uses them to query the device for more information depending on what level of access is obtained. Let’s take a peek at the auxiliary module.


msf > search snmp

Matching Modules

   Name                                               Disclosure Date  Rank    Description
   ----                                               ---------------  ----    -----------
   auxiliary/scanner/misc/oki_scanner                                  normal  OKI Printer Default Login Credential Scanner
   auxiliary/scanner/snmp/aix_version                                  normal  AIX SNMP Scanner Auxiliary Module
   auxiliary/scanner/snmp/cisco_config_tftp                            normal  Cisco IOS SNMP Configuration Grabber (TFTP)
   auxiliary/scanner/snmp/cisco_upload_file                            normal  Cisco IOS SNMP File Upload (TFTP)
   auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_enum                                    normal  SNMP Enumeration Module
   auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_enumshares                              normal  SNMP Windows SMB Share Enumeration
   auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_enumusers                               normal  SNMP Windows Username Enumeration
   auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_login                                   normal  SNMP Community Scanner
   auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_set                                     normal  SNMP Set Module
   auxiliary/scanner/snmp/xerox_workcentre_enumusers                   normal  Xerox WorkCentre User Enumeration (SNMP)
   exploit/windows/ftp/oracle9i_xdb_ftp_unlock        2003-08-18       great   Oracle 9i XDB FTP UNLOCK Overflow (win32)
   exploit/windows/http/hp_nnm_ovwebsnmpsrv_main      2010-06-16       great   HP OpenView Network Node Manager ovwebsnmpsrv.exe main Buffer Overflow
   exploit/windows/http/hp_nnm_ovwebsnmpsrv_ovutil    2010-06-16       great   HP OpenView Network Node Manager ovwebsnmpsrv.exe ovutil Buffer Overflow
   exploit/windows/http/hp_nnm_ovwebsnmpsrv_uro       2010-06-08       great   HP OpenView Network Node Manager ovwebsnmpsrv.exe Unrecognized Option Buffer Overflow
   exploit/windows/http/hp_nnm_snmp                   2009-12-09       great   HP OpenView Network Node Manager Snmp.exe CGI Buffer Overflow
   exploit/windows/http/hp_nnm_snmpviewer_actapp      2010-05-11       great   HP OpenView Network Node Manager snmpviewer.exe Buffer Overflow
   post/windows/gather/enum_snmp                                       normal  Windows Gather SNMP Settings Enumeration (Registry)

msf > use auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_login 
msf auxiliary(snmp_login) > show options

Module options (auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_login):

   Name              Current Setting                                             Required  Description
   ----              ---------------                                             --------  -----------
   BATCHSIZE         256                                                         yes       The number of hosts to probe in each set
   BLANK_PASSWORDS   true                                                        no        Try blank passwords for all users
   BRUTEFORCE_SPEED  5                                                           yes       How fast to bruteforce, from 0 to 5
   CHOST                                                                         no        The local client address
   PASSWORD                                                                      no        The password to test
   PASS_FILE         /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/snmp_default_pass.txt  no        File containing communities, one per line
   RHOSTS                                                                        yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier
   RPORT             161                                                         yes       The target port
   STOP_ON_SUCCESS   false                                                       yes       Stop guessing when a credential works for a host
   THREADS           1                                                           yes       The number of concurrent threads
   USER_AS_PASS      true                                                        no        Try the username as the password for all users
   VERBOSE           true                                                        yes       Whether to print output for all attempts

msf auxiliary(snmp_login) > set RHOSTS
rhosts =>
msf auxiliary(snmp_login) > set THREADS 10
threads => 10
msf auxiliary(snmp_login) > run
[*] >> progress ( 0/30208...
[*] >> progress ( 0/30208...
[*] >> progress ( 0/30208...
[*] >> progress ( 0/30208...
[*] >> progress ( 0/30208...
[*] >> progress (-) 0/0...
[*] 'public' 'APC Web/SNMP Management Card (MB:v3.8.6 PF:v3.5.5 PN:apc_hw02_aos_355.bin AF1:v3.5.5 AN1:apc_hw02_sumx_355.bin MN:AP9619 HR:A10 SN: NA0827001465 MD:07/01/2008) (Embedded PowerNet SNMP Agent SW v2.2 compatible)'
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed

As we can see here, we were able to find a community string of ‘public‘. This is most likely read-only and doesn’t reveal a ton of information. We do learn that the device is an APC Web/SNMP device, and what versions its running.


We can gather lots of information when using SNMP scanning modules. Such as open ports, services, hostname, processes and uptime to name a few. Using our Metasploitable virtual machine as our target, we’ll run the ‘snmp_enum’ module and see what information it will provide us. First we load the module and set the RHOST option using the information stored in our workspace. Using hosts -R will set this options for us.


msf  auxiliary(snmp_enum) > run

[+], Connected.

[*] System information:

Host IP                       :
Hostname                      : metasploitable
Description                   : Linux metasploitable 2.6.24-16-server #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:58:00 UTC 2008 i686
Contact                       :
Location                      : Metasploit Lab
Uptime snmp                   : 02:35:38.71
Uptime system                 : 00:20:13.21
System date                   : 2012-7-9 18:11:11.0

[*] Network information:

IP forwarding enabled         : no
Default TTL                   : 64
TCP segments received         : 19
TCP segments sent             : 21
TCP segments retrans          : 0
Input datagrams               : 5055
Delivered datagrams           : 5050
Output datagrams              : 4527


[*] Device information:

Id                  Type                Status              Descr               
768                 Processor           unknown             GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2860QM CPU @ 2.50GHz
1025                Network             unknown             network interface lo
1026                Network             unknown             network interface eth0
1552                Disk Storage        unknown             SCSI disk (/dev/sda)
3072                Coprocessor         unknown             Guessing that there's a floating point co-processor

[*] Processes:

Id                  Status              Name                Path                Parameters          
1                   runnable            init                /sbin/init                              
2                   runnable            kthreadd            kthreadd                                
3                   runnable            migration/0         migration/0                             
4                   runnable            ksoftirqd/0         ksoftirqd/0                             
5                   runnable            watchdog/0          watchdog/0                              
6                   runnable            events/0            events/0                                
7                   runnable            khelper             khelper                                 
41                  runnable            kblockd/0           kblockd/0                               
68                  runnable            kseriod             kseriod       


5696                runnable            su                  su                                      
5697                runnable            bash                bash                                    
5747                running             snmpd               snmpd                                   

[*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed

Reviewing our SNMP Scan

The output provided above by our SNMP scan provides us with a wealth of information on our target system. Although cropped for length, we can still see lots of relevant information about our target such as its processor type, process IDs, etc.