Advanced Ethical Hacking Institute in Pune

Generating Alphanumeric Shellcode with Metasploit

There are cases where you need to obtain a pure alphanumeric shellcode because of character filtering in the exploited application. The Metasploit Framework can generate alphanumeric shellcode easily through Msfencode. For example, to generate a mixed alphanumeric uppercase and lowercase encoded shellcode, we can use the following command:


root@kali:~# msfpayload windows/shell/bind_tcp R | ./msfencode -e x86/alpha_mixed
[*] x86/alpha_mixed succeeded with size 659 (iteration=1)

unsigned char buf[] =

If you look deeper at the generated shellcode, you will see that there are some non alphanumeric characters though:


>>> print shellcode

This is due to the opcodes (“\x89\xe2\xdb\xdb\xd9\x72″) at the beginning of the payload which are needed in order to find the payloads absolute location in memory and obtain a fully position-independent shellcode:

Once our shellcode address is obtained through the first two instructions, it is pushed onto the stack and stored in the ECX register which will then be used to calculate relative offsets. However, if we are able somehow to obtain the absolute position of the shellcode on our own and save that address in a register before running the shellcode, we can use the special option BufferRegister=REG32 while encoding our payload:


root@kali:~# msfpayload windows/shell/bind_tcp R | ./msfencode BufferRegister=ECX -e x86/alpha_mixed
[*] x86/alpha_mixed succeeded with size 651 (iteration=1)

unsigned char buf[] =

This time we obtained a pure alphanumeric shellcode:


>>> print shellcode

In this case, we told msfencode that we took care of finding the shellcodes absolute address and we saved it in the ECX register:

As you can see in the previous image, ECX was previously set in order to point to the beginning of our alphanumeric shellcode. At this point, our payload starts directly realigning ECX to begin the shellcode decoding sequence.