Monthly Archives: June 2016


Installing Tor browser on kali linux

Ethical Hacking Institute Course in Pune-India
Extreme Hacking | Sadik Shaikh | Cyber Suraksha Abhiyan

TOR stands for The Onion allows us to surf internet protects your privacy on internet.

Tor Browser protects your privacy on internet by moving your traffic across different Tor servers .

Disclaimer – Our tutorials are designed to aid aspiring pen testers/security enthusiasts […]

By |June 14th, 2016|Papers|

Using dnsdict6 to Enumerate DNS Records (IP, NS, MX, Subdomains …)

Ethical Hacking Institute Course in Pune-India
Extreme Hacking | Sadik Shaikh | Cyber Suraksha Abhiyan
If you want to gather information about a target’s DNS, you should probably use a tool like dnsdict6 to help you to enumerate many of the details which are not easily apparent for your average user or websurfer.

With dnsdict6 you find information such as:

Subdomain info
Enumerate […]

By |June 14th, 2016|Papers|

Extract Email Addresses from an SMTP Server

Ethical Hacking Institute Course in Pune-India
Extreme Hacking | Sadik Shaikh | Cyber Suraksha Abhiyan

If we are considering a social engineering attack against a target, we are probably going to need email addresses. By having the email addresses of people within an organization, we can tailor our social engineering attack to particular people and circumstances within that […]

By |June 14th, 2016|Papers|

How Remotely Access Kali Terminal Using Putty

Ethical Hacking Institute Course in Pune-India
Extreme Hacking | Sadik Shaikh | Cyber Suraksha Abhiyan

In this tutorials I will show You how to use putty and and how to access kali terminal with root priveleges. We will use SSH for this tutorial, though you can use Telnet or any other mode too. So Let’s Start..

Disclaimer – Our tutorials […]

By |June 14th, 2016|Papers|

changing mac address in kalilinux

Ethical Hacking Institute Course in Pune-India
Extreme Hacking | Sadik Shaikh | Cyber Suraksha Abhiyan

MAC address spoofing is a technique for changing your Media Access Control (MAC) address on a network device. A MAC Address is a unique and hardcoded address in network devices which cannot be changed. Macchanger is a tool included with Kali Linux and can change […]

By |June 14th, 2016|Papers|

Scan website for vulnerabilities using Owasp-zap

Ethical Hacking Institute Course in Pune-India
Extreme Hacking | Sadik Shaikh | Cyber Suraksha Abhiyan

OWASP-ZAP is a Graphical user interface tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications.It is completely free and open source.ZAP is an easy to use tool because of it’s GUI,it is used by beginners as well as professionals. When used as a proxy server […]

By |June 12th, 2016|Papers|

Testing Web Application security by W3af Scanner

Ethical Hacking Institute Course in Pune-India
Extreme Hacking | Sadik Shaikh | Cyber Suraksha Abhiyan

w3af is an alternate lightweight escalated web vulnerabilities scanner brought to the security group from the fine programmers of OWASP web application security . Reporting is limited furthermore not as lovely as Arachni, however will give a decent basis to vulnerability reporting. The enormous playing point, […]

By |June 12th, 2016|Papers|

Arachni Web Application Security Framework

Ethical Hacking Institute Course in Pune-India
Extreme Hacking | Sadik Shaikh | Cyber Suraksha Abhiyan

Arachni Web Application Security Framework is an open-source Web application scanner and vulnerability penetration testing tool. Unlike many other system scanners, Aracni specializes in finding Web application vulnerabilities.

Disclaimer – Our tutorials are designed to aid aspiring pen testers/security enthusiasts in learning new skills, […]

By |June 12th, 2016|Papers|

Breaking WPA2-PSK with Kali Linux — Dictionary Attack

Ethical Hacking Institute Course in Pune-India
Extreme Hacking | Sadik Shaikh | Cyber Suraksha Abhiyan

WPA2-PSK may not be as safe as you think. There are a few attacks against WAP2-PSK. One of the most common attacks is against WPA2 is exploiting a weak passphrase.

Disclaimer – Our tutorials are designed to aid aspiring pen testers/security enthusiasts in learning […]

By |June 12th, 2016|Papers|

Shellter Project – bypassing Antivirus Detection

Ethical Hacking Institute Course in Pune-India
Extreme Hacking | Sadik Shaikh | Cyber Suraksha Abhiyan

Shellter is found at the website and is a shellcode injector. I have been using the tool to demonstrate to customers how simple it is to bypass antivirus (AV) detection using programs that would have otherwise been detected as suspicious or possible […]

By |June 12th, 2016|Papers|